
Wednesday, 10. October 2007

paint like pollock

some friend from spain sent me this link: - simple, funny and quite bestitching

which leads to dazed digital, the online version of the brittish dazed and confused magazine. i didn`t come to read all so far but they feature some artists that are working with light on their projects-sites.

Saturday, 7. April 2007

late but at last - pictures of barceona

finally i came to sort and upload some pictures from our little trip to Barcelona 4 weeks ago. After cleaning and organizing my room yesterday i didn't yet find the time to sort out some photos of this blog. I don't have a lot of space left for more pictures but you can see some of them on my new flickr account.
The greatest thing about this short vacation in Catalunia was that there are still so many friends and great people there who haven't forgotten about me. First of all my former flatmate Eric who for the second time already sleeps on the sofa and lets us sleep in his room.
And secondly there are all those girls i know from university in Barcelona and Weimar who always find some night to go out with us. It's been 2 years I left Spain by now but when i get to return for a couple of days I always feel like I have never been away.
Thanks guys.

Wednesday, 27. July 2005


okok. no todo es gaudí en bcn.
some architecture besides from the one designed by Gaudí can be impressive to.
here an example del macba - museum arte contemporani barcelona
macba3 macba2

Thursday, 3. February 2005

someone else

this time i simply want to draw your attention to some links i found on another blog whose contents are remakable enough to put them here...
what i liked most were various aproaches to map cyberspace

leben in der transitmoderne

Friday, 12. November 2004

cosmo caixa

well, its been a week now but i think its worth writing about it anyway. yes, it is definitely worth to pay a visit to the museum of science, sponsored and mantained by one of the bigest if not biggest financial enterprices of catalunia/spain. the caixa is one of the most important banks around here, maybe to be compared with the german "sparkasse"... part of the caixa is their foundation
fundatión caixa
that mantains various projects.
one of those things is the cosmocaixa. build upon one of the hills surrounding bcn a huge modern building provides the space for an unusual museum of science. you can explore, touch and try out lots of experiments about gravity, light, presure and countless other forces that influence our live on earth. not only kids roam facinated from one experiment to the next. all the explanations and theories you find there are written in an interesting manner far away from beeing boring.
you can stroll through a miniature-rainforest, see ancient writings or encounter different theories about how the dinosaurs had been extinguished and of course lived.
sometimes there are extra sesions like to one introducing a humanoide robot called asimo developed by honda.
as i try to write this down, it doesn't seem to be that interesting but i recomend a visit to everybody coming to bcn. since the museum is quite new in bcn the entry is free till the 9th of january.
you can see a tiny recording of asimo in files-part of this page...
asimo1 (avi, 1,075 KB)

Monday, 1. November 2004


hiperiment - le hipertexto en el juego" means something like hypertext in plays...

it is an exibition in the cccb. what you see there is a colection of all kind of "hypertextual media", ancient like tarot and an encyclopedia or modern like websites and interactive programs (well most programms are interactive).
you see documentations and including a film by douglas adams.

aranged in an artfully manner you read sentences of e.g. landow, barthes or deleuze, more or less expressing ideas conserning hypertex and related things. i somehow have to admit, it fellt kinda cozy wandering between the cites of one of my late esays for uni. :)

the extractes are either printed on black mirrors, are written on the floor and on the walls, some are projected on glass-screens hung in the air. that makes the visitor beeing sourounded by words and images.
some of those screens can be used interactively which gives you a slight experience of matrix-like interfaces. kewl.
and then a kind of antology about mods, cyberspace, bloggs...and so on displayed on one of these glass-tiles on the air. (but all in catalan and spanish, well some in english too, luckily)

examples of some hypertextual works shown there apart from other stuff:

the book of endings
Lexia To Perplexia
the body

about the exebition:

Tuesday, 19. October 2004


yeah i've been finaly climbing in barcelona. it was on sunday but since i didn't climed for about 3 months i could hardly move my fingers after that so i couldn't write earlier.
the site is just perfect for being right in the middle of a big city. it is somewhere behind the museu nacional d'art de catalunya on montejuĩc. if you should ever be in barcelona and don't know where to climb or find a partner take the metro to placa españa and stroll behind the mountain. behind the olympic stadion and stuff like that you will find a tunnel full of grips and climbing gear additionaly to some walls next to the tunnel, some artificial made out of concrete, some natural.
the routes vary from 4b (but if you are not a child they look a bit strange at you) till 8c. i didn't dare looking for higher levels for me it was quite hard and i always gave up on a 5b. but there is lots of stuff to improve and lots of boulder oportunities in that tunnel.
great! and it doesn't matter if its raining and it won't be to cold here. i'm just waiting that my bones stop aching and than i'm going back there right away.

Tuesday, 5. October 2004

more pics from the street

zoorumnot much happening at the moment. laguage-course in spanish started, also some workshops and courses at the university but i have to wait till next week if i really get a place there, especially in those workshops. i'll report when i know more.... some people won't have time to read this anyway while beeing sponged up by the backup.

(if your interested in short films and other art, experimental and mostly confusingly technicly have a look at
if you're there once check out the lounchlab...)

but in the meantime i found some more pictures on the walls of barcelona.

something about the zoorum-stancil: it is a protest against the forum which was here for about 4 months and closed its doors 1 week ago. more infos at:
forum barcelona

Tuesday, 28. September 2004

graffiti and alikes

barcelona coolture (as you can see)

first i was a bit disappointed but now i see them erverywhere: stancils and graffitis. of course i want to let you see them as well so i find myself frequently walking down the old parts of the city, the fovoured place for those things and find myself hounting singns and graphics on the walls and houses. today i will start this new album with some i recently found. to be continued....

just undo itvanilla adict

Thursday, 16. September 2004

sagrada familia, the church i come by daily

famous sagrade familia. everybody knows it from pictures and postcards. when standing in front of it, it is hard to belive how something like this is possible. it seems like gaudi has had some wierd ideas, likely inspired by drugs and absinth and went with this to somebody and proposed with a psychotic flicker in his eyes: shall we build this, in real, like real big and all in the middle of a city?!

that was of course not what it was like. but for more than 100 years now they are building somthing like a castle made out of wet sand on a beach right here in barcelona, whose plans seem to belong to a fairy tale. another 30 years it shall take at least to acomplish the mision at least, they say.
but nevermind. in my opinion it is one of the most enchanting buildingsites in the world and i enjoy seeing it every day.

pics on my flickr account

Recent Updates

sorting pics on flickr
you have to put the pictures in a set to sort them....
morithil - 2008-02-11 17:07
connected again
finally - it has been accomplished! After 2 and a half...
ypsilon - 2007-11-17 16:30
umweltsünder internet
Ha, wir haben wieder einen, einen der Schuld ist. Das...
ypsilon - 2007-10-22 17:34
Ein herrlich verregnetes...
Plitsch platsch - herrlich. Seit ich direkt unters...
ypsilon - 2007-10-22 14:43
paint like pollock
some friend from spain sent me this link:
ypsilon - 2007-10-10 08:48



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