catalan is killing me

whell, nobody said it would be a bed of roses, but still. first my castilan is not convenient either but my catalan is a desaster. despide all hopes i got to know today that all my courses will be held in catalan and somehow i survived my first two days of catalan lessons.
soon i'll have to choose another title for this blog in order not to get furius simply by reading any word begining with cat....
so we now have one week of intensive catalan lessons which last 4! hours every day while at least during the last hour everybody is somerwhere close to sleep. i'm looking forward to my first spanish lessons to get a base for all this. lets see how this all works out. ...and if you have nice flat mates they can still cheer you up when comming home and almost beeing dead (killed by catalan-lessons)
ypsilon - 2004-09-16 21:24
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