i just have to show you the stancil that i like most in barcelona so far. (added some more to the galery though)
ypsilon - 2004-10-19 21:06
yeah i've been finaly climbing in barcelona. it was on sunday but since i didn't climed for about 3 months i could hardly move my fingers after that so i couldn't write earlier.
the site is just perfect for being right in the middle of a big city. it is somewhere behind the museu nacional d'art de catalunya on montejuĩc. if you should ever be in barcelona and don't know where to climb or find a partner take the metro to placa españa and stroll behind the mountain. behind the olympic stadion and stuff like that you will find a tunnel full of grips and climbing gear additionaly to some walls next to the tunnel, some artificial made out of concrete, some natural.
the routes vary from 4b (but if you are not a child they look a bit strange at you) till 8c. i didn't dare looking for higher levels for me it was quite hard and i always gave up on a 5b. but there is lots of stuff to improve and lots of boulder oportunities in that tunnel.
great! and it doesn't matter if its raining and it won't be to cold here. i'm just waiting that my bones stop aching and than i'm going back there right away.
ypsilon - 2004-10-19 20:01
these are some of the things i am wondering about lately:
- why is ice cream so expensive over here? there has to be an ice-cream-mafia?
- why do i always stay at parties till 6 in the morning even though a night-bus is running an the metro as well since on hour? which directly leads to the next question:
- why do they have so bad music in almost every pub here and why does it have to be that loud?
- why am i always so tired?
- why are the best events happen to be when you are tired and just want to sleep?
- why am i too lazy to learn my vocabularies and hate it that i don't know them when i need them?
- why do the people in the metro never let the people leave first bevore they get in?
- why do i always get lost in barry-gothic on my way to the uni when i'm allready late but find my way perfectly well when i'm in time?
- why do the streets in barry-gothic stink of piss while they get flooded with water every night by the barcelonetta people (the dustmen-company)?
- where do they sell the babelfish?
- why is the cinema-part of the very good website salir en barcelona broken?
- where do they sell the babelfish?
- why do the good things only happen when you don't expect them to happen or just stopp caring about?
ypsilon - 2004-10-19 19:48